About Us

Welcome to Shells for Artists©

This is a tiny, family business and many of you have met us at our events;  Sue Hobbs© and Phil Dietz© and our daughter Eliza Dietz.  We hope to see all of you again soon, once this pandemic makes it possible for us to resume our in-person events.  In the meantime, we thank you all for your many purchases and want you to know that we appreciate you!


Our business began as Sue Hobbs Specimen Shells©, which is how you will find us at most shell shows.  We found a need among our customers for small, colorful shells for use in sailors valentines and other shell art forms.  We have endeavored to have a good selection of clean, sorted for quality shells and sea life, with fair prices, and are always looking for new items to offer to our dear customers.  Many of the treasures we offer are vintage and not available in any way except through “olde” collections, which we purchase when available.  Because many items are therefore in short supply, we highly recommend you try to estimate your needs for your project, as we sell out of items, and never know if we will be able to obtain more. 


This website, so far, is a small percentage of the items we have in stock.  We will continue to add items as fast as we can!  This is all new to us, and we know that you’ll be looking for things that we have, but aren’t here yet.